Year End Matching Challenge

Thank you

We are so thankful for your generosity in this challenge. We were able to raise over $14,000 to kickstart our fundraising for a Bandshell Stage. Thank you so much! God is good and faithful.


$0 Raised

$0 Raised

Goal: $10,000



$0 $0
After matching grants are applied. Dollar for dollar up to $10,000.


 What is the Matching Challenge?

With the help of many volunteers, we've made beautiful improvements to King’s Camp. The monies raised from this Year End Matching Challenge will provide continued financial support to fund operations and make further camp improvements for this incredible place of ministry. As we move forward with improvements to the campground, one of our next projects is a Bandshell. This Bandshell is a roofed structure used as a stage for services, skits, speakers, and many of the group events hosted at King’s Camp.

Our Goal

Our goal is to raise $20,000 towards a Bandshell! That’s $10,000 of donations and $10,000 of matching grant! See the progress bar above for our current amount raised in the Matching Challenge.

About the Challenge

The Illinois Rangers Support Foundation (ILRSF) purchased King's Camp in June of 2020. God has truly blessed us with beautiful facilities at King's Camp which are effectively being used for continuing and expanding ministry to children and families. Also, Illinois Royal Rangers now has a home which has been invaluable during the Pandemic and going forward. We are excited to see where the Lord leads our camp ministry, but we need partners to help make that happen! There has never been a greater time to invest in the vision of Kings Camp Christian Family Camping.

When you give, your gift will be doubled – matched dollar for dollar by supportive sponsors up to $10,000! This is a limited offer through Year End 2022.